What is Popl and How To Use it For Your Yoga Business

what is popl

Popl has to be the next best thing since sliced bread. Especially if you’re a yoga instructor.

In fact, the advent of Popl may be the demise of business cards or leaning over someone’s phone screen to help them find your social account.

Get 25% off your Popl purchase through this link.

About a year ago, I heard of Popl at a local flea market. I struck up a convo with a lady selling kids’ clothes— nothing I was interested in but she insisted I check out her insta profile and held out her phone without the app being open.

She obviously saw my confusion and told me to tap my phone to hers…and my life changed forever.

I am not easily impressed with gadgets and this little piece of plastic blew me away. The ease of instantly connecting with someone without the search for a pen and paper or trying to type in their social handle while awkwardly standing in front of them is worth me telling you about.

Popl doesn't know who I am and they didn’t ask me to write this.

This is my honest review of Popl and how to use it for your yoga business— no matter the size.

What is Popl?

Popl is a small plastic disc that you stick on the back of your phone that allows you to instantly share your social profiles, website, payment apps, contact info and more.

Popls come in different colors and designs, in packs and also as keychains, Apple Watch bands, buttons, badges, display stands and more. They are always adding a new way to share your Popl.

How Does Popl Work?

Each Popl holds an NFC tag (or, Near Field Communication). An NFC tag-enabled device can share communications and information with other NFC tag-enabled devices. All smartphones have NFC tags. Therefore, even if the person you want to share information with doesn’t own a Popl, he or she will still get links to the apps and profiles you set up through your Popl account.

To share your Popl profile and information, you simply bump or tap phones with another person. That person will then get a screen that pops up on their phone with the apps and links you’ve chosen to share, creating an instant connection.

It’s incredibly easy to use and no more fumbling to open apps or spell out your social handles so people can find you.

Some of Popl’s newer products also display a QR code to connect your account to the person who wants to connect with you. This is a nice backup for the rare occasion that the NFC tag doesn’t trigger.

How Much Does Popl Cost?

A basic Popl will cost you $20— or less, if you have a discount code. The app is free to use.

Popl has a pro account version in their app for $7.99/month with a free two-week trial. I set it up as soon as they launched it. It has a super cool feature where it shows you a map of where you’ve Popl’d people, how many pops you’ve had and which are your top-performing linked apps. You can also embed videos, add a business logo, integrate with your CRM and more. (Scroll down to check out what kinds of links you can connect to your Popl)

Get 25% off your Popl through my link.

How will Popl be Useful to Me as a Yoga Instructor?

As you read more about Popl below, you’ll see there are so many ways you connect with your students or fellow instructors. Let’s say a yoga student of yours totally dug your Spotify playlist from class. Instead of her finding and opening up her Spotify app to then try to search you by name (or worse, have it not show up— this happened to me), all she has to do is tap her phone to yours and voila! there’s your Spotify link. Even better is to purchase the little Popl stand and set it up near the back of the studio so any class member can quietly scan the QR code to get directly to your Popl links. They can jump into Calendly to schedule their next class with you, check out the explainer videos you created on how to do the Bird of Paradise asana, find you Insta and more.

Another bonus is that Popl connects to your Link.Tree account. This means someone can open up all of those special links you’ve created for your business.

You don’t need to pay for the pro account to use Popl as a yoga instructor, either. Many of the most useful links you’ll need are free of charge.

If you do pay for the Pro account, you can easily swipe between pro and personal accounts. This way, Popl is just as useful for you when you want to exchange a little more personal info like your phone number or address.

What Can I Link Through Popl?

Popl links to a ton of different apps and websites. This is where using Popl can be beneficial for your yoga business. Your students can check out your class schedule in a snap, pay you for the yoga blocks you picked up for them or colleagues can grab your Spotify playlist to use for their next Vinyasa class all from one place! Popl adds new links frequently and some are only accessible with a pro account. I’ve marked the pro account links with an *.


  • Instagram

  • Snapchat

  • TikTok

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

  • YouTube

  • Twitch

  • Pinterest

  • Clubhouse*

Contact Info

  • Text

  • Email

  • WhatsApp

  • Contact Card

  • FaceTime *

  • Call

  • WeChat

  • Address


  • Spotify

  • Apple Music

  • SoundCloud

Payment Apps

  • Cash App

  • Venmo

  • PayPal

  • Zelle*

  • Popl Pay


  • Website

  • Calendly*

  • Google Reviews*

  • Etsy*

  • App Store Link*

  • Booksy*

  • Square*

  • Yelp*

Content & Extras

  • Embedded Video*

  • Header Text*

  • Files*

  • Expandable Text*

  • Custom Link*

  • Linktree

  • Discord

  • Telegram*

  • OnlyFans*

  • OpenSea*

  • Poshmark

  • Apple Podcast*

  • hoo.be

They also have a group of real estate links like Zillow and embedded videos you can add.

Is the Popl App Easy to Use and Set Up?

Setting up your profile and links in the Popl app for your yoga business is fairly easy to use. It will take you about 5-10 mins to set up your account and connect the links you choose to share. It took a few minutes to figure out how to add multiple instagram handles but that’s because I was inadvertently deleting them instead of adding extras. Popl has a help link right in their app menu if you can’t figure it out but I ended up not needing it.

The app has a clean UX design. Hats off to the team for making the app chock-full of goodies without weighing down the user.

You can keep your profile set up just as personal or also add your business accounts— but this requires that pro account. I feel $7.99/mo is a small price to pay to add all of your business links and information. Popl will often run sales where there is a discounted bundled price if you pay for it for a year.

Is Popl Worth The Cost?


It’s easy to use and people can connect with you instantly— and choose multiple ways to do so.

If you’re a small yoga business owner, using Popl is a must! Popl eliminates the need for carrying around business cards that will likely get thrown in the trash or lost or by awkwardly trying to find your instagram app to remember how you spell your handle, Think of it as a real-life, in-person call-to-action button.

Plus, if you have employees, Popl offers “party packs” of five Popls. You could have your yoga instructors set up links to your business profiles and information.

Whether you’re just an average Jane, an influencer or yoga business owner, Popl is going to be useful for you.

I bought a Popl party pack for Christmas presents for the kids— with four daughters, the present was a hit. I also gifted some to a client that hired me to do their real estate marketing.

Does Popl Have An Ambassador Program?

Yes, they do!

The day I bought my Popls, I signed up. You answer a few questions, they review your request and notify you within a few days if you qualify.

Use this link at checkout to get 25% off your Popl purchase, too!

If you become an ambassador, you get 25% commission. If you find you love using Popl, signing up might be beneficial to you.

Does Popl Get a Down Dog in the Desert Thumbs Up?

It sure does.

I promise, you won’t be disappointed with your Popl.



Disclaimer: Some links in this post are affiliate links. If you click through I may be compensated. I only recommend services and products I use myself.


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