Anahata Chakra Yoga Sequence [Vinyasa Power Flow]

Anahata Chakra Yoga Sequence Vinyasa  Power Flow Green Heart Chakra

Open Your Heart (Chakra) To Let Love Flow

Our heart is often used to represent the center of who we are.

We say phrases like, “You can feel it in your heart,” “What does your heart say?” “That was a heartfelt gift.”

It’s as if the powerhouse of what keeps us alive and our blood pumping is also the location of our souls. When something devastating happens, you can feel it in your heart space. It has been proven that people can die of a broken heart. Though it is biologically the stress from that loss is what stops your heart, it’s the ache of the lost love you feel in your heart and soul that drains you and take you away from you.

When we begin to feel disconnected with our surroundings and the dark cloak of depression begins to shroud us, it’s then that we should recognize our heart chakra is likely blocked. If you feel you have been dealing with some repressed heartache or sadness to some level, this heart chakra yoga sequence will help to dust the cobwebs away and put you back in touch with ourselves.

Move Energy Through Your Anahata Chakra

The heart chakra is the fourth of our seven chakras. It is also known as the “Anahata” chakra. When energy is flowing through this energy wheel, you’ll feel connected with your higher self in relation to the world around you.

The Anahata chakra is known to be responsible for certain emotional, spiritual and physical connections.

Location: At the center of your chest

Responsible for: Being connected to our own selves. You will feel joyful, carefree, be in love with who you are and will feel love and compassion for those around you.

Color: Green

Element: Air

Essential Oils/Scents: Neroli, bergamot, ylang ylang, lemon balm

Crystals/Stones: Emerald, jade, green calcite, peridot and rose quartz

Glands: Thymus (in the lymphatic system and responsible for making special white blood cells, called “T-cells”, that fight infections.)

Physical dysfunctions (if blocked): High blood pressure, breast cancer, heart attack, heart disease, asthma, pneumonia

Emotional dysfunctions (if blocked): Feeling grief or loss, trouble trusting, hopelessness, resentment, hatred

A Vinyasa Flow to Open Your Anahata Chakra

If the heart chakra doesn’t have a good energy flow, we may feel depressed or down in the dumps. This is especially true if you are experiencing grief or loss.

When feeling this way emotionally, we tend to move slower or spend more time sleeping or retracting from an active lifestyle in our physical space. Therefore, I chose to make this Anahata chakra opener a Vinyasa power flow. This will create heat and get the blood pumping.

Vinyasa power flow sequences are exceptional at boosting those endorphins and raising your serotonin levels. When you’re done with this sequence, you’ll feel like you can conquer the world! Not to mention, Vinyasa is fabulous for your heart by lowering blood pressure— it’s the best cardio around, in my opinion.

Tips for practicing this Anahata Vinyasa power flow:

Remember your breath— begin your practice with your deep ujjayi breathing (in through the nose, fill the lungs, out through the nose/top of the throat, empty the lungs). You will need to come back to this breath throughout the practice. Focus on your breathing to help you clear your mind and to prevent dizziness. It’s cardio so it’s important to pull in that fresh oxygen!

Use the playlist to carry you through the yoga sequences— I compiled the Anahata Chakra Vinyasa Power Flow playlist specifically around each asana and the flow from one to the next. I also included an Anahata chakra opening frequency at the beginning to aid you in your breathing, meditation and to begin to clear the energy block. I’ve included songs that will really get your heart (chakra) pumping! ( A little Fat Boy Slim, anyone?)

Spotify Playlist: Anahata Chakra Vinyasa Power Flow

You can also open the Spotify playlist here.

Anahata Chakra Yoga Sequence [Vinyasa Power Flow]

For a printable version of this sequence, click here.

[Begin Spotify playlist]

BBD (Breath, Bandha, Drishti)

Cat / Cow

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

Sun A’s x 3

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

Forward Fold / Uttanasana

½ Way Lift / Ardha Uttanasana


Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Step/float to top of Mat

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

(Fourth Sun A)

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

Forward Fold / Uttanasana

½ Way Lift / Ardha Uttanasana


Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana


Three-Legged Dog / Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana

Crescent Warrior / Ashta Chandrasana

Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II


Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II

Reverse Warrior

Side Angle

Warrior II / Virabhadrasana II

½ Moon / Ardha Chandrasana

Warrior II




(L) Step to front of mat

Mountain Pose / Tadasana

Sun B’s x 4

Chair / Utkatasana

Forward Fold / Uttanasana

½ Way Lift / Ardha Uttanasana


Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

(R) Three-Legged Dog / Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana

Warrior I / Virabhadrasana I 


Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Forward Fold / Uttanasana

½ Way Lift / Ardha Uttanasana

Chair / Utkatasana

Mountain Pose / Tadasana




Tree Pose (R/L) / Vrksasana


Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

High Plank

R Knee / L Knee

Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

High Plank

Side Plank

Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

High Plank

Side Plank

Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Half Pigeon / Ardha Kapotasana

Down Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Half Pigeon / Ardha Kapotasana

To the Knees

Camel / Ustrasana

Boat / Navasana

Bridge / Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Upward-facing Bow / Urdhva Dhanurasana

Legs up the wall ( can use block under hips) / Viparita Karani

Supine Twist (R/L) / Supta Matsyendrasana

Happy Baby / Ananda Balasana


Closing meditation
The lightness and darkness in me

Loves, honors and respects

The lightness and darkness in you



Ahimsa Yama Vinyasa Sequence